Subject: Dios no nos ha abandonado, pero España y Brasil, nos abandonarón. La humanidad no nos há abandonado. Dios NÓ!RE: Denounce about International Amnesty in Brazil is Protecting Crimes People (Criminals) in Brazil!FW: Request for assistance
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 12:57:19 +0000
Soy un español , mi hija ha nacido en Badajoz en Extremadura española , fue a España sólo para mi hija por nacer allí para mantener mi conexión de sangre con la tierra española , pero cuando mi familia y yo fuimos atacados por delincuentes internacionales que todo hacem para proteger a la Boeing , Airbus , etc ... sin preocuparse por los derechos humanos , fue la embajada española en Brasilia buscar ayuda para mi hija, que en ese entonces tenía sólo 9 años de edad que estaba siendo víctima de graves delitos de lesa humanidad, Embajada española no me deja entrar en ella , y mucho menos me ayudó a ver , fui de São Luis para Brasilia, caminé 2.000 kilometros en busca de mano de España y España me dio la Costas, no sólo para mí, sino para un nacido inocente en suelo español . España protegeó a la Boeing y Airbus , no se protegeó una pequeña miña con solo 9 años y peor todos los ciudadanos de España se quedó en riesgo real de tener un accidente en accidentes Aerio como TAM y otros han descubierto por mí y aprobado por las autoridades brasileñas de Aire.
?Que España es lo que protege a las empresas extranjeras y pone riesgo real de sus ciudadanos?
¿Qué España es este que deja una hija inocente sólo 9 años de edad a manos de los criminales
Subject: Dios no nos ha abandonado, pero España y Brasil, nos abandonarón. La humanidad no nos há abandonado. Dios NÓ!RE: Denounce about International Amnesty in Brazil is Protecting Crimes People (Criminals) in Brazil!FW: Request for assistance
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 12:57:19 +0000
Soy un español , mi hija ha nacido en Badajoz en Extremadura española , fue a España sólo para mi hija por nacer allí para mantener mi conexión de sangre con la tierra española , pero cuando mi familia y yo fuimos atacados por delincuentes internacionales que todo hacem para proteger a la Boeing , Airbus , etc ... sin preocuparse por los derechos humanos , fue la embajada española en Brasilia buscar ayuda para mi hija, que en ese entonces tenía sólo 9 años de edad que estaba siendo víctima de graves delitos de lesa humanidad, Embajada española no me deja entrar en ella , y mucho menos me ayudó a ver , fui de São Luis para Brasilia, caminé 2.000 kilometros en busca de mano de España y España me dio la Costas, no sólo para mí, sino para un nacido inocente en suelo español . España protegeó a la Boeing y Airbus , no se protegeó una pequeña miña con solo 9 años y peor todos los ciudadanos de España se quedó en riesgo real de tener un accidente en accidentes Aerio como TAM y otros han descubierto por mí y aprobado por las autoridades brasileñas de Aire.
?Que España es lo que protege a las empresas extranjeras y pone riesgo real de sus ciudadanos?
¿Qué España es este que deja una hija inocente sólo 9 años de edad a manos de los criminales
Mi padre, Rafael Rodríguez Milán que me hizo amar España,
desde luego se movió en su Tumolo a darse cuenta de su esperada y única nieta y
su hijo con su nuera fueron regeitados en la embajada española en Brasilia.
Dios no nos ha abandonado, pero España y Brasil, nos
La humanidad no nos há abandonado.
Dios NÓ!
Es triste, es una vergüenza, etc ....
Solicito que Amnistía Internacional se quejan de que el
gobierno de España y el rey Juan Carlos de España ¿POR QUÉ dejó una hija de sólo
9 años para proteger a los criminales!
Ya agradecemos su atención y comprensión.
Roberto Rodríguez Melo.
DNI 80092059 - X
DNI 80092059 - X
Dios bendiga a España.
Dios bendiga a Brasil.
Roberto Milán
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 21:15:12 +0200
Subject: Re: FW: Denounce about International Amnesty in Brazil is Protecting Crimes People (Criminals) in Brazil!FW: Request for assistance
Dear Sir,
Thank you for contacting Amnesty International Spain.
We have sent forward your email to one of our departments. You shall receive a replay as soon as possible.
Best regards.
El 15/04/2014 20:07, Roberto Milán escribió:
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 21:15:12 +0200
Subject: Re: FW: Denounce about International Amnesty in Brazil is Protecting Crimes People (Criminals) in Brazil!FW: Request for assistance
Dear Sir,
Thank you for contacting Amnesty International Spain.
We have sent forward your email to one of our departments. You shall receive a replay as soon as possible.
Best regards.
Área de atención al público
AMNISTÍA INTERNACIONAL Fernando VI, 8, 1º izqda. 28004 Madrid Tel: (34) 91 310 12 77 Fax: (34) 91 319 53 34 | |
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El 15/04/2014 20:07, Roberto Milán escribió:
Subject: FW: Denounce about International Amnesty in Brazil is Protecting Crimes People (Criminals) in Brazil!FW: Request for assistance
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 16:06:37 +0000
Subject: FW: Denounce about International Amnesty in Brazil is Protecting Crimes People (Criminals) in Brazil!FW: Request for assistance
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 15:53:27 +0000
Subject: FW: Denounce about International Amnesty in Brazil is Protecting Crimes People (Criminals) in Brazil!FW: Request for assistance
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 15:50:40 +0000
Subject: FW: Denounce about International Amnesty in Brazil is Protecting Crimes People (Criminals) in Brazil!FW: Request for assistance
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 15:49:10 +0000
Subject: FW: Denounce about International Amnesty in Brazil is Protecting Crimes People (Criminals) in Brazil!FW: Request for assistance
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 15:47:56 +0000
Subject: FW: Denounce about International Amnesty in Brazil is Protecting Crimes People (Criminals) in Brazil!FW: Request for assistance
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 15:46:18 +0000
Subject: Denounce about International Amnesty in Brazil is Protecting Crimes People (Criminals) in Brazil!FW: Request for assistance
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 15:44:57 +0000
Denounce about International Amnesty in Brazil is Protecting Crimes People (Criminals) in Brazil!I cannot expect anything from Amnesty International in Brazil due to international Amnesty in Brazil is protecting OAB ( Order of Lawyers of Brazil ) that are forbidding all lawyers to work for me , the same is happening in relation to the prosecutor who tried me interning like crazy mam , because everything has been done to protect the criminals who are working to the CEO of Boeing and Air Bus , since I discovered the true cause of the accident TAM , Air France among other aircraft accidents and published in my Blog Flight Safety by Roberto Milán as you sow the documentation proof that the Brazilian Air Authorities recognized my discoveries; I believe in democratic rule of law , but Amnesty International in Brazil believes in CORRUPTION, to protect corruption that is more important to they profit above the law , human rights , etc….For this reason I ask that my complaints about the Amnesty International in Brazil be investigated and the people of amnesty that is working to the Crimes People and organization like Boeing, Airbus, (OAB and MINSTÉRIO PUBLIC ( where attorneys work ) of Brazil , literally not taking any material denounces seriously) be put out of the International Amnesty, and this way protect the Name of this serious Ong. .I request that this be taken seriously because, as sure as God exists, what is happening to me and my family will be in the public domain worldwide due to the gravity of not only what happened and is happening to me and mine, but why all this is literally being protected as a state secret to protect the corrupt system covering ONGs like Amnesty International in Brazil .I showed documents that speak of Torture crimes .I showed that even the current President of the Supreme Court of Brazil, Minister Joaquim Barbosa is aware of the crimes against me and my family.Attached Letter of the President of the Supreme Court to the Prosecutor General of the Republic with copy to myself what is in my book " My Country " Link: that is forbidden to be published by any Publisher , whereas denounce the corrupt system that is protected by the worldwide Judiciary Power and the worldwide Media!You can see that the President Dilma is Know about the crimes about me and my family in my Blog A Tribuna de Roberto Milán, link: can see a lot of Documentations in my Blogs Flight Safety by Roberto Milán Link:, A Tribuna de Roberto Milán, Link: now, thank you for your attention and understanding.Roberto Milán.
Subject: Re: Request for assistance
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 15:54:48 +0100
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your e-mail. I am sorry for the delayed reply. This is because we have been working through a backlog of correspondence.
Please note that at Amnesty International UK, our work is focused on activism work with local Amnesty International groups, fundraising, and human rights education work
All research and campaigning, including our work on Brazil is carried out at our international headquarters in London- the International Secretariat. It might be advisable to contact them with your query . They can be reached at
Activism Team
Activism Hotline: 020 7033 1675
Contact us [#3346]
Website to: activism 04/04/2014 15:53
Please respond to no-reply
Name * Roberto Milán Email * Phone Number 00555581070671 Please tell us what your enquiry relates to * Activism, Individuals at risk, Urgent actions Your message * I Really need your help to save lives!
Please see this Link: See Now Why They Want to Killer me and my Family!
Please, help me, I and my Family need too much your help.
Thank you
I Am isilated, if you do not get answer from mim by the e-mail is because tthe CEO of the Boeing and Airbus Hackers is not allowed me to answer to you, my mail box at my home do not receve letter, my telephone number 00555581070671 is replasede to another person and you will not richt me by phone, but my addres is fix, and is rua Barão do Triunfo Number 1715 Santa Maria Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
I alread sent a lot of denunce to Anistia Internacional Brazil, but I did not receive answer, the Brazilian Authorities are comenting severals crime agains the human rights to me and my family.
You can see the vídeos in my Blogs, Flight Safety by Roberto Milán and A Tribuna de Roberto Milán.
Please help me to save lives...
See Now Why They Want to Killer me and my Family!
Thanks for all.
Roberto MilánWould you like a response? * Yes
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